Barn with a fallen down roof, peak of roof is pointing skyward
1.5 hr Aperture Priority + 1.5 hr Shutter Speed Priority + 1.5 hr Extended Lesson of your choice

Get 4.5 hours, total lesson time, over 3 separate days
Package price of $225 (additional $10 for Calgary and surrounding area - Oct 1)  for all three

I provide two types of learning sessions REGULAR and EXTENDED.
Typically, beginners in photography, require a refresher in light and how it works in a camera.

All lessons are HANDS ON.
REGULAR lessons are charged at $85 (additional $10 for Calgary and surrounding area - Oct 1) for a 1.5 hour session.
EXTENDED lessons are charged at $110 (additional $10 for Calgary and surrounding area - Oct 1) for a 1.5 hour session.
By providing a HANDS ON learning session, often 1-on-1 but no more than 3 persons at a time, learning becomes a more personal experience and questions are able to be answered in greater detail.

NO large class sizes here... Contact to make arrangements.

- Camera modes - Auto, aperture priority (AV/A), shutter priority(TV/S), manual, sports, landscape, close up, portrait mode
- Everyday shooting - What to look for and how to shoot it
- Composition - Don't just stand there! Learn how to "see" a photo just about anywhere!
- Long Exposure - Make people disappear.. or turn them into ghostly apparitions
- Lenses - You have the ability to add just about any lens to your new camera, you now need to understand what you need and why – don’t make that purchase just yet
- Lighting - Probably the single most important aspect of any art form
- Shooting towards the Sun - NEVER SHOOT DIRECTLY INTO THE SUN! But have you ever wanted to be able to get a properly exposed image in very bright conditions, and instead ended up with a silhouette? Or maybe you want a silhouette, and don’t know how to achieve one?
- Informal Portraits/Candid - sometimes the best shots are the unexpected or non-posed

- Digital Imaging - Touching on uploading to a PC and using LightRoom/ON1 editing software
- What are all these buttons for? I can help you discover what some of the features and functions actually do and when it is best to use them.
- Black and White Photography - Timeless!
- HDR Photography - How to make snow or sand (or anything light in shade) ALONG WITH dark shades to appear correctly exposed, on a single image – think indoor shots where the outside window view is not lost…
- Flash Photography - Understand how the light works and how you can control it
- Night Time, Fireworks and Astro imaging - Get those cool star trails and fireworks photos you've been dying to show off to your friends. You can also do photography at night without a flash!
- Cleaning and maintenance - With DSLRs comes dust. Plus you may find yourself getting down and dirty now that you know what to do to get those special shots
- FOCUS STACKING - The most recent lesson added to my repertoire. How to get a single scene in sharp focus from foreground to distant background.
- Find the sweet spot setting in your lens. Maximum clarity for the aperture selected, as well as minimal "circles of confusion" from your lens. Can find this for all your lenses for a single specific camera.
- Any other lesson not detailed in the STANDARD area, or involving travelling to your site or another location.
A $10 trip charge may apply.

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