Take our Basic package Photography Lesson and learn how to achieve the right shade of black on anything.
Take our Basic package Photography Lesson and learn how to achieve the right shade of black on anything.
In my Photography Extended Lesson, we cover how to take shots of the night sky. No flash required.
In my Photography Extended Lesson, we cover how to take shots of the night sky. No flash required.
Seek out hard to find animals in places you will not expect them.
Seek out hard to find animals in places you will not expect them.
Learn how to SEE Photo opportunities all around you. Also learn about composition.
Learn how to SEE Photo opportunities all around you. Also learn about composition.
Learn how to compose quickly and capture wildlife on the fly.
Learn how to compose quickly and capture wildlife on the fly.
Capturing aerial moving objects like birds, planes, model airplanes takes practice.
Capturing aerial moving objects like birds, planes, model airplanes takes practice.
Pet photography can be challenging. Get down to your pet's level and learn a different perspective.
Pet photography can be challenging. Get down to your pet's level and learn a different perspective.

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